FoRSE Discharge Survey


Q1: What is the highest level of care this client is discharging from?

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q1
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Inpatient Hospital or Medical Detox
2 Residential
3 Partial Hospitalization
4 Intensive Outpatient
5 Outpatient
6 Sober Living/Recovery Residence
7 Recovery Support (e.g., recovery coaching)
8 Other type of program

Q2: Discharge type (select one)

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q2
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Completed (discharged to home or transferred to a lower level of care at another facility)
2 AMA (left against medical advice or discontinued care)
3 Administrative (discharged/transferred due to difficulty conforming to community rules (e.g., fighting))
4 Medical (discharged/transferred due to medical condition outside the scope of current care environment)
5 Psych (discharged/transferred due to psychiatric condition outside the scope of current care environment)
6 Other (any other type of discharge)
7 Financial (discharged/transferred due to personal financial restriction or insurance denial)

Q3: How many days did this patient receive the following levels of care?

Question Number Q3
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type info

Q3a: Inpatient Hospital or Medical Detox

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3a
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q3b: Residential

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3b
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q3c: Partial Hospitalization

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3c
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q3d: Intensive Outpatient

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3d
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q3e: Outpatient

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3e
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q3f: Sober Living/Recovery Residence

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3f
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q3g: Recovery Support

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3g
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q3h: Other type of program

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q3h
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3
Min 0.00
Max 999.00

Q4: Primary payment type

Question Number Q4
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Self-Pay
2 Private Insurance
4 Medicaid/Medicare or Other public funding
5 Scholarship
6 Other
Not Answered Not Answered

Q5: What is the primary Substance Use Disorder category? (or “primary drug”)

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q5
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Alcohol
2 Cannabis
3 Hallucinogen
4 Inhalant
5 Opioid
6 Sedative/Hypnotic/Anxiolytic
7 Stimulant
8 Tobacco
9 Other
10 None

Q6: MAT medications received

Question Number Q6
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_multiple
Answer Options pick_multiple
Value Text
1 None
2 Acamprosate/Campral
3 Buprenorphine (Sublocade Injection)
4 Buprenorphine (Subutex/Suboxone film)
5 Disulfiram/Antabuse
6 Naltrexone (ReVia Pill)
7 Naltrexone (Vivitrol Injection)
8 Methadone
9 Medications for co-occurring disorder (e.g. anxiety or depression)
10 Medication not listed
11 Other
Not Answered Not Answered

Q7: Mental Health Diagnosis

Question Number Q7
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_multiple
Answer Options pick_multiple
Value Text
1 None
2 Anxiety Disorder
3 Bipolar Disorder
4 Depressive Disorder
5 Disruptive/Impulse-Control/Conduct Disorder
6 Dissociative Disorder
7 Eating Disorder
8 Neurocognitive Disorder
9 Neurodevelopmental Disorder (e.g., ADHD, ASD, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disorder)
10 Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorder
11 Trauma and Stressor Related Disorder (e.g., PTSD)
12 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder
13 Paraphilic Disorder
14 Personality Disorder
15 Sexual Dysfunction
16 Sleep Disorder
17 Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder
18 Other Disorder
Not Answered Not Answered

Q8: Was any portion of the client’s care delivered remotely/through telehealth?

Question Number Q8
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Yes
2 No
Not Answered Not Answered


The scoring details below are for information only. The scoring for this survey happens on our side. Please do not provide survey scores.

JSON Instrument Definition for developers

    "instrumentId": "7AR4",
    "title": "FoRSE Discharge Survey",
    "description": "",
    "instructions": "",
    "questions": [
            "assign_qnum": "y",
            "instrumentId": "7AR4",
            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "n",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "What is the highest level of care this client is discharging from?",
            "question_order": 1,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00",
            "qNum": "Q1",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Inpatient Hospital or Medical Detox",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
                    "answer_text": "Residential",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
                    "answer_text": "Partial Hospitalization",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
                    "answer_text": "Intensive Outpatient",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
                    "answer_text": "Outpatient",
                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
                    "answer_text": "Sober Living\/Recovery Residence",
                    "answer_order": 6,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "6.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
                    "answer_text": "Recovery Support (e.g., recovery coaching)",
                    "answer_order": 7,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "7.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
                    "answer_text": "Other type of program",
                    "answer_order": 8,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "8.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:16:00"
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            "instrumentId": "7AR4",
            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "n",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Discharge type (select one)",
            "question_order": 2,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q2",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Completed (discharged to home or transferred to a lower level of care at another facility)",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "AMA (left against medical advice or discontinued care)",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Administrative (discharged\/transferred due to difficulty conforming to community rules (e.g., fighting))",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Medical (discharged\/transferred due to medical condition outside the scope of current care environment)",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Psych (discharged\/transferred due to psychiatric condition outside the scope of current care environment)",
                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Other (any other type of discharge)",
                    "answer_order": 6,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "6.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Financial (discharged\/transferred due to personal financial restriction or insurance denial)",
                    "answer_order": 7,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "7.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:18:38"
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            "include_in_export": "y",
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            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "How many days did this patient receive the following levels of care?",
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            "textbox_max_chars": null,
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            "textbox_min_value": null,
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q4",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Self-Pay",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Private Insurance",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Medicaid\/Medicare or Other public funding",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Scholarship",
                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:20:06"
                    "answer_text": "Other",
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                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:20:31"
                    "answer_severity": null,
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                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
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            "allow_NotAnswered": "n",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "What is the primary Substance Use Disorder category? (or \u201cprimary drug\u201d)",
            "question_order": 13,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q5",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Alcohol",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Cannabis",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Hallucinogen",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Inhalant",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Sedative\/Hypnotic\/Anxiolytic",
                    "answer_order": 6,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "6.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_order": 7,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "7.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Tobacco",
                    "answer_order": 8,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "8.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "None",
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:23:57"
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            "include_in_export": "y",
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            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "MAT medications received",
            "question_order": 14,
            "question_type": "pick_multiple",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q6",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "None",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Acamprosate\/Campral",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Buprenorphine (Sublocade Injection)",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Buprenorphine (Subutex\/Suboxone film)",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Disulfiram\/Antabuse",
                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Naltrexone (ReVia Pill)",
                    "answer_order": 6,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "6.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Naltrexone (Vivitrol Injection)",
                    "answer_order": 7,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "7.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Methadone",
                    "answer_order": 8,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "8.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Medications for co-occurring disorder (e.g. anxiety or depression)",
                    "answer_order": 9,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "9.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Medication not listed",
                    "answer_order": 10,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "10.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Other",
                    "answer_order": 11,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "11.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": null,
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                    "answer_text": "None",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Disruptive\/Impulse-Control\/Conduct Disorder",
                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_order": 6,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "6.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_order": 7,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "7.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_order": 8,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "8.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Neurodevelopmental Disorder (e.g., ADHD, ASD, Intellectual Disability, Learning Disorder)",
                    "answer_order": 9,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "9.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_value": "10.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Trauma and Stressor Related Disorder (e.g., PTSD)",
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                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "11.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorder",
                    "answer_order": 14,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "12.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Paraphilic Disorder",
                    "answer_order": 16,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "13.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Personality Disorder",
                    "answer_order": 17,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "14.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Sexual Dysfunction",
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                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "15.00",
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "16.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Somatic Symptom and Related Disorder",
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                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "17.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Other Disorder",
                    "answer_order": 21,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "18.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": null,
                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE"
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            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "y",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Was any portion of the client\u2019s care delivered remotely\/through telehealth?",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q8",
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": null,
                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE"

Example Push for developers

URL Endpoint:



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Complete Post

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            "Q7": "Sexual Dysfunction|Sleep Disorder",
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            "yearOfAdmit": "2023",
            "yearCompleted": "2023",
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            "completedWhile": "inTreatment",
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            "Q1": 4,
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