FoRSE Admit Survey


Q1: What is the highest level of care this client is admitting into?

Critical Item A valid answer must be supplied for this question or the entire survey will be rejected. "Not Answered" is NOT allowed.
Question Number Q1
Allow 'Not Answered'? No
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Inpatient Hospital or Medical Detox
2 Residential
3 Partial Hospitalization
4 Intensive Outpatient
5 Outpatient
6 Sober Living/Recovery Residence
7 Recovery Support (e.g., recovery coaching)
8 Other type of program

Q2: What was the client's employment status at the time of admission?

Question Number Q2
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Full Time
2 Part Time
3 Student
4 Unemployed - seeking employment
5 Unemployed - not seeking employment (retired, on disability, other source of income, in controlled environment)
Not Answered Not Answered

Q3: Housing status at the time of admission?

Question Number Q3
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 Homeless/unstable housing - (shelter, street, outdoors, temporarily staying with friends)
2 Institution/controlled environment - (hospital, nursing home, jail/prison, residential treatment)
3 Stable housing - (Own or rent apartment, room or house, stable housing with friends/family, dormitory or college residence, sober living home, other)
Not Answered Not Answered

Q4: Days of substance use in the 30 days prior to admission?

Question Number Q4
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type info

Q4a: Alcohol

Question Number Q4a
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4b: Cannabis

Question Number Q4b
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4c: Hallucinogens

Question Number Q4c
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4d: Inhalants

Question Number Q4d
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4e: Opioids

Question Number Q4e
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4f: Sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics

Question Number Q4f
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4g: Stimulants

Question Number Q4g
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4h: Tobacco

Question Number Q4h
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q4i: Other (or unknown) substance

Question Number Q4i
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 2
Min 0.00
Max 30.00

Q5: History of IV drug use?

Question Number Q5
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 No
2 Yes
Not Answered Not Answered

Q6: Number of the past alcohol/drug overdoses?

Question Number Q6
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3

Q7: Number of previous SUD treatments (Including outpatient, residential, and detox episodes)

Question Number Q7
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type input_box
Answer Type number
Maximum Characters 3

Q8: Is the client readmitting within 90 days of a prior episode within this organization?

Question Number Q8
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
1 No
2 Yes
Not Answered Not Answered


The scoring details below are for information only. The scoring for this survey happens on our side. Please do not provide survey scores.

JSON Instrument Definition for developers

    "instrumentId": "SH63",
    "title": "FoRSE Admit Survey",
    "description": "",
    "instructions": "",
    "questions": [
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            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "What is the highest level of care this client is admitting into?",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06",
            "qNum": "Q1",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Inpatient Hospital or Medical Detox",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
                    "answer_text": "Residential",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
                    "answer_text": "Partial Hospitalization",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
                    "answer_text": "Intensive Outpatient",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
                    "answer_text": "Outpatient",
                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
                    "answer_text": "Sober Living\/Recovery Residence",
                    "answer_order": 6,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "6.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
                    "answer_text": "Recovery Support (e.g., recovery coaching)",
                    "answer_order": 7,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "7.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
                    "answer_text": "Other type of program",
                    "answer_order": 8,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "8.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:10:06"
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            "instrumentId": "SH63",
            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "y",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "What was the client's employment status at the time of admission?",
            "question_order": 2,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
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            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q2",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Full Time",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Part Time",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Student",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Unemployed - seeking employment",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "4.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Unemployed - not seeking employment (retired, on disability, other source of income, in controlled environment)",
                    "answer_order": 5,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "5.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": null,
                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE"
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            "instrumentId": "SH63",
            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "y",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Housing status at the time of admission?",
            "question_order": 3,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q3",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Homeless\/unstable housing - (shelter, street, outdoors, temporarily staying with friends)",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Institution\/controlled environment - (hospital, nursing home, jail\/prison, residential treatment)",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_text": "Stable housing - (Own or rent apartment, room or house, stable housing with friends\/family, dormitory or college residence, sober living home, other)",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_severity": null,
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                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
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            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Days of substance use in the 30 days prior to admission?",
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            "textbox_max_chars": null,
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "include_in_export": "y",
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            "question_text": "Alcohol",
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            "textbox_min_value": "0.00",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "textbox_input_type": "number",
            "textbox_min_value": "0.00",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
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            "question_order": 7,
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            "textbox_max_chars": 2,
            "textbox_input_type": "number",
            "textbox_min_value": "0.00",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "textbox_min_value": "0.00",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q4d",
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            "include_in_export": "y",
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            "textbox_input_type": "number",
            "textbox_min_value": "0.00",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q4e",
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            "include_in_export": "y",
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            "textbox_min_value": "0.00",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
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            "question_text": "History of IV drug use?",
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            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q5",
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                    "answer_value": "1.00",
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:29"
                    "answer_severity": null,
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                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
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            "question_text": "Number of the past alcohol\/drug overdoses?",
            "question_order": 15,
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            "textbox_max_chars": 3,
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            "textbox_min_value": null,
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q6",
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            "include_in_export": "y",
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            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Number of previous SUD treatments (Including outpatient, residential, and detox episodes)",
            "question_order": 16,
            "question_type": "input_box",
            "textbox_max_chars": 3,
            "textbox_input_type": "number",
            "textbox_min_value": null,
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            "date_created": "2023-12-30 12:55:58",
            "qNum": "Q7",
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            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "y",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Is the client readmitting within 90 days of a prior episode within this organization?",
            "question_order": 17,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:13:35",
            "qNum": "Q8",
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:13:35"
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                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:13:35"
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": null,
                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE"

Example Push for developers

URL Endpoint:



$FACILITY_ID = '123DEMO'; Provided By Us
$SECRET_KEY = 'aaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccdddddddeeeeeefffffgggggg'; Provided By Us
$API_DATE = gmdate( time() ); Current UNIX UTC time = 1720278392
$API_SIGNATURE = hash_hmac('sha256', $API_DATE . $FACILITY_ID, $SECRET_KEY); f949bd75e202a3428dc559e35ef3964a43a208885370dc44c45856f6c7bbe12c

Complete Post

    "facilityId": "123DEMO",
    "apiDate": "1720278392",
    "apiSignature": "f949bd75e202a3428dc559e35ef3964a43a208885370dc44c45856f6c7bbe12c",
    "surveys": [
            "instrumentId": "SH63",
            "sessionId": "123session",
            "clientId": "123client",
            "assignedToType": "Client",
            "yearOfAdmit": "2023",
            "yearCompleted": "2023",
            "daysFromAdmit": -99,
            "daysFromDischarge": 180,
            "completedWhile": "postDischarge",
            "answerStyle": "byText",
            "Q1": "Outpatient",
            "Q2": "Full Time",
            "Q3": "Stable housing - (Own or rent apartment, room or house, stable housing with friends\/family, dormitory or college residence, sober living home, other)",
            "Q4": "--INFO: No Answer Expected--",
            "Q4a": 3,
            "Q4b": 6,
            "Q4c": 0,
            "Q4d": 12,
            "Q4e": 24,
            "Q4f": 17,
            "Q4g": 25,
            "Q4h": 30,
            "Q4i": 18,
            "Q5": "No",
            "Q6": 3,
            "Q7": 79,
            "Q8": "Not Answered"
            "instrumentId": "SH63",
            "sessionId": "123session",
            "clientId": "123client",
            "assignedToType": "Client",
            "yearOfAdmit": "2023",
            "yearCompleted": "2023",
            "daysFromAdmit": 30,
            "daysFromDischarge": -99,
            "completedWhile": "inTreatment",
            "answerStyle": "byValue",
            "Q1": 3,
            "Q2": "Not Answered",
            "Q3": 3,
            "Q4": "--INFO: No Answer Expected--",
            "Q4a": 26,
            "Q4b": 0,
            "Q4c": 10,
            "Q4d": 24,
            "Q4e": 12,
            "Q4f": 13,
            "Q4g": 28,
            "Q4h": 19,
            "Q4i": 29,
            "Q5": "Not Answered",
            "Q6": 50,
            "Q7": 74,
            "Q8": 2