- Title
- PHQ-2
- instrumentId
- Description
- PHQ-2
- Instructions
- Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?
Q1: Little interest or pleasure in doing things
Question Number | Q1 |
Allow 'Not Answered'? | Yes |
Question Type | pick_one |
Answer Options pick_one
Q2: Feeling down, depressed or hopeless
Question Number | Q2 |
Allow 'Not Answered'? | Yes |
Question Type | pick_one |
Answer Options pick_one
The scoring details below are for information only. The scoring for this survey happens on our side. Please do not provide survey scores.
Score: Score
Question Numbers | Q1, Q2 |
Scoring Source | Sum of answered Values |
Scoring Ranges
Short Label | Long Label | Min | Max |
Clinical | Clinical | 3 | 6 |
Non Clinical | Non Clinical | 0 | 2.99 |
JSON Instrument Definition for developers
"instrumentId": "RBUQ",
"title": "PHQ-2",
"description": "PHQ-2",
"instructions": "Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?",
"questions": [
"assign_qnum": "y",
"instrumentId": "RBUQ",
"include_in_export": "y",
"allow_NotAnswered": "y",
"question_status": "ACTIVE",
"question_text": "Little interest or pleasure in doing things",
"question_order": 2,
"question_type": "pick_one",
"textbox_max_chars": null,
"textbox_input_type": null,
"textbox_min_value": null,
"textbox_max_value": null,
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35",
"qNum": "Q1",
"answer_options": [
"answer_text": "Not at all",
"answer_order": 1,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "0.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_text": "Several days",
"answer_order": 2,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "1.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_text": "More than half the days",
"answer_order": 3,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "2.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_text": "Nearly every day",
"answer_order": 4,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "3.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": null,
"answer_text": "Not Answered",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE"
"assign_qnum": "y",
"instrumentId": "RBUQ",
"include_in_export": "y",
"allow_NotAnswered": "y",
"question_status": "ACTIVE",
"question_text": "Feeling down, depressed or hopeless",
"question_order": 3,
"question_type": "pick_one",
"textbox_max_chars": null,
"textbox_input_type": null,
"textbox_min_value": null,
"textbox_max_value": null,
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35",
"qNum": "Q2",
"answer_options": [
"answer_text": "Not at all",
"answer_order": 1,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "0.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_text": "Several days",
"answer_order": 2,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "1.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_text": "More than half the days",
"answer_order": 3,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "2.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_text": "Nearly every day",
"answer_order": 4,
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": "3.00",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE",
"clients_colName": "",
"date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
"answer_severity": null,
"answer_value": null,
"answer_text": "Not Answered",
"answer_status": "ACTIVE"
Example Push for developers
URL Endpoint:
$FACILITY_ID = '123DEMO'; Provided By Us
$SECRET_KEY = 'aaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccdddddddeeeeeefffffgggggg'; Provided By Us
$API_DATE = gmdate( time() ); Current UNIX UTC time = 1738034339
$API_SIGNATURE = hash_hmac('sha256', $API_DATE . $FACILITY_ID, $SECRET_KEY); 7864cb0831754bbd6e0ea92908761db12c271ee3019da20e3851a4ddb855c367
Complete Post
"facilityId": "123DEMO",
"apiDate": "1738034339",
"apiSignature": "7864cb0831754bbd6e0ea92908761db12c271ee3019da20e3851a4ddb855c367",
"surveys": [
"instrumentId": "RBUQ",
"sessionId": "123session",
"clientId": "123client",
"assignedToType": "Client",
"yearOfAdmit": "2024",
"yearCompleted": "2024",
"daysFromAdmit": -99,
"daysFromDischarge": 180,
"completedWhile": "postDischarge",
"answerStyle": "byText",
"Q1": "Nearly every day",
"Q2": "Nearly every day"
"instrumentId": "RBUQ",
"sessionId": "123session",
"clientId": "123client",
"assignedToType": "Client",
"yearOfAdmit": "2024",
"yearCompleted": "2024",
"daysFromAdmit": 30,
"daysFromDischarge": -99,
"completedWhile": "inTreatment",
"answerStyle": "byValue",
"Q1": 3,
"Q2": 0