Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?


Q1: Little interest or pleasure in doing things

Question Number Q1
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
0 Not at all
1 Several days
2 More than half the days
3 Nearly every day
Not Answered Not Answered

Q2: Feeling down, depressed or hopeless

Question Number Q2
Allow 'Not Answered'? Yes
Question Type pick_one
Answer Options pick_one
Value Text
0 Not at all
1 Several days
2 More than half the days
3 Nearly every day
Not Answered Not Answered


The scoring details below are for information only. The scoring for this survey happens on our side. Please do not provide survey scores.

Score: Score

Question Numbers Q1, Q2
Scoring Source Sum of answered Values
Scoring Ranges
Short Label Long Label Min Max
Clinical Clinical 3 6
Non Clinical Non Clinical 0 2.99

JSON Instrument Definition for developers

    "instrumentId": "RBUQ",
    "title": "PHQ-2",
    "description": "PHQ-2",
    "instructions": "Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?",
    "questions": [
            "assign_qnum": "y",
            "instrumentId": "RBUQ",
            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "y",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Little interest or pleasure in doing things",
            "question_order": 2,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35",
            "qNum": "Q1",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Not at all",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "0.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_text": "Several days",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_text": "More than half the days",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_text": "Nearly every day",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": null,
                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE"
            "assign_qnum": "y",
            "instrumentId": "RBUQ",
            "include_in_export": "y",
            "allow_NotAnswered": "y",
            "question_status": "ACTIVE",
            "question_text": "Feeling down, depressed or hopeless",
            "question_order": 3,
            "question_type": "pick_one",
            "textbox_max_chars": null,
            "textbox_input_type": null,
            "textbox_min_value": null,
            "textbox_max_value": null,
            "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35",
            "qNum": "Q2",
            "answer_options": [
                    "answer_text": "Not at all",
                    "answer_order": 1,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "0.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_text": "Several days",
                    "answer_order": 2,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "1.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_text": "More than half the days",
                    "answer_order": 3,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "2.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_text": "Nearly every day",
                    "answer_order": 4,
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": "3.00",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE",
                    "date_created": "2023-12-31 19:36:35"
                    "answer_severity": null,
                    "answer_value": null,
                    "answer_text": "Not Answered",
                    "answer_status": "ACTIVE"

Example Push for developers

URL Endpoint:



$FACILITY_ID = '123DEMO'; Provided By Us
$SECRET_KEY = 'aaaaaabbbbbbbbccccccccdddddddeeeeeefffffgggggg'; Provided By Us
$API_DATE = gmdate( time() ); Current UNIX UTC time = 1720278475
$API_SIGNATURE = hash_hmac('sha256', $API_DATE . $FACILITY_ID, $SECRET_KEY); 21de6c9d719589187f5591638246d4794a835baae8aacadba1098f2f93806d1f

Complete Post

    "facilityId": "123DEMO",
    "apiDate": "1720278475",
    "apiSignature": "21de6c9d719589187f5591638246d4794a835baae8aacadba1098f2f93806d1f",
    "surveys": [
            "instrumentId": "RBUQ",
            "sessionId": "123session",
            "clientId": "123client",
            "assignedToType": "Client",
            "yearOfAdmit": "2023",
            "yearCompleted": "2023",
            "daysFromAdmit": -99,
            "daysFromDischarge": 180,
            "completedWhile": "postDischarge",
            "answerStyle": "byText",
            "Q1": "More than half the days",
            "Q2": "Nearly every day"
            "instrumentId": "RBUQ",
            "sessionId": "123session",
            "clientId": "123client",
            "assignedToType": "Client",
            "yearOfAdmit": "2023",
            "yearCompleted": "2023",
            "daysFromAdmit": 30,
            "daysFromDischarge": -99,
            "completedWhile": "inTreatment",
            "answerStyle": "byValue",
            "Q1": 2,
            "Q2": "Not Answered"